Since February 2022, I have been responsible for all elements the UX process at OpsCompass, a B2B SaaS company. In this role, I conduct user interviews, gather quantitative data, design wireframes and high-fidelity mockups, deliver designs to the developers, and collaborate with them to ship the product.


Research methods I use at OpsCompass include:
  • Customer Feedback
  • Card Sorting
  • Unmoderated Testing
  • Concept Testing
  • User Interviews
  • Data Analysis from Google Analytics


In my first year, I designed six new product features and updated designs of nearly every page of our web app. 

In 2023 I conducted a UX audit resulting in redesigns that reduced customer bounce rate by 25%.

For most projects, I start with mid-fidelity prototypes with the help of our design system Figma components. At this stage, I get stakeholder feedback, iterate, and then build a high-fidelity prototype to review with the engineering team. 

After more discussion and iteration, I develop designs to deliver to developers. Included in the handoff are notes on the user flows, labels, hidden interactions, and anything else the developer needs to know that they can’t necessarily see on a design.


Before joining the company, accessibility was not prioritized in the design and development process. Since starting, I have coducted an accessibility audit, held an accessibility Lunch and Learn for the product development team, added accessibility annotations to design handoff materials, and started taking more UX accessibility courses.

The more than 30 accessibility changes from the audit increased the WCAG 2.1 compliance score by 21%.

Since my initial accessibility audit, I have learned a significant amout about accessibility and will be conducting a follow up audit using assistive technologies such as screen readers.